
Wholesome fun for the Christian family

A little something to tickle your funny bone.

Check out the Godly Games and Amazing Accesories for Clean Christians and Sanctified Saints.

All and more can be found at the Ship of Fools website on their page - Gadgets for God. Click below for detailed product description, prices and stockists.

The Pondering Philosopher's Personal Recommendations
for clean fun and caring gifts for the discerning Christian family.

Virgin Mary Fridge Magnets

Be gone Barbie, get thee behind me Bratz. There's a new doll in town.

"Seamlessly, the 2.5" x 8.5" Madonna moves from traditional theotokos-with-halo to struggling downtown waitress... from demure Catholic schoolgirl to flared-jean teen. But our favourite is the iconic Christ-child all set for a pushchair outing to the local park."

Ten Plagues Finger Puppets

"This little boil went to market. This little locust stayed at home. And this little plague sneaks into bedrooms in the middle of the night and mercilessly smites children of your age– on purely racial grounds. Goodnight, darling. Sweet dreams."


Talking Jesus Hero

Imagine the fun your ten year old son will have with the Jesus action hero when
he wakes up on Christmas morning!

"Now Jesus can stand proud alongside the other heroes celebrated by herobuilders.com. There's the heroic George Bush Action Figure for example.
And the "Talking British Ally" doll, bearing the familiar features of Tony Blair. Yes indeed. Jesus has at last joined the War on Terror, on the side of the good guys.

Meanwhile, languishing among the Villain dolls, are the Butcher of Baghdad, Osama, and Uday Hussein (which must win tasteless toy of the year for recreating his dead features from newspaper photographs). And not forgetting Jacques Chirac, who spouts, "I vetoed you again, you stupid American cowboys!" at the touch of a button."
Click on the link below to go to the website to listen to this wholesome,
manly all American hero - Jesus!


Salvation Challenge

Gather your off-spring, your obedient wife and faithful friends
for an evening of faith-filled fun and frivolity.

"It's like Monopoly, sort of. All players start at the Cross and move clockwise round the board in search of salvation. Once you land on Calvary, you throw your hands in the air, slap a red sticker on your forehead, shout "Jesus saved me!" and proceed immediately to the River Jordan for baptism. And so it goes on.

Yes, what better way to spend an evening with unregenerate family and friends than getting them to renounce Monopoly, sacrifice that chance of winning second prize in a beauty contest, and play Salvation Challenge instead?"

Martin Luther Bobblehead Doll

WHAT THE??? Even the Pondering Philosopher is speechless.
Does it come in "John Calvin"? Please?

"Walmart. Kmart. Kwikie-Mart. Their names contain a tantalising hint – but none has actually delivered. Until now. At last, the greatest (waistline included) reformer of all time gets a taste of gadget glory.

The original lager-swilling Prot (without whom, etc. etc.) shakes his head in admonition. But what of? Working women, of course, who "have but small and narrow chests, and broad hips, to the end that they should remain at home, sit still, keep house, and bear and bring up children." Not like the Great Man's wife, Katie, also pictured here in bobblehead form."