
Flirting with Radical Orthodoxy

The Book!

Radical Orthodoxy, edited by John Milbank (amongst others). Long have I desired to hold this book in my hands, to allow my eyes to roam over the pages, to allow its wisdom to inscribe the tabula rasa that is my soul...

Here is the preamble.

'Radical Orthodoxy' returns theology to the centre of contemporary critical debate. The contributors develop a drastic critique of secular assumptions in order both to recover and develop the most authentic Christian thought of the past. Arguing that it is no longer acceptable to accommodate theology to prevailing wisdom and fashion, they reject both humanism and postmodernism, in favour of a theological construal of the radically indeterminable.

The endeavours of 'Radical Orthodoxy' are characterised by four crucial claims:
· secular modernity is the creation of a perverse theology;
· the opposition of reason to faith is a modern corruption;
· all thought which brackets out God is ultimately nihilistic;
· the material and temporal realms of bodies, sex, art and sociality, which modernity claims to value, can truly be upheld only by the acknowledgment of their participation in the transcendence.

What a magnificent feat! And how delightfullly risqué in an intellectually barren wasteland. A book of this stature must be read listening to.....

The stage is set.... be calm my fluttering heart...the moment is here.