
Fighting For Faith

Today is the 1st of November. A new month, a new beginning. I began this post yesterday, to try to make some sense of the month just past, an incredibly difficult month for the Brown family. I knew I would have to write something, just so I could begin the new month with renewed hope. But what to say and how to say it? Then I discovered yesterday was Reformation Day. For an on again/off again Dutch Protestant (who has dark and dangerous liaisons with Catholicism), this was a pleasant discovery. I've tried to weave together, in a thoroughly Dutch Protestant Secular Australian blend of post-modern misinterpretation and heretical misappropriation, two Fighters for Faith.

The first Fighter for Faith is Martin Luther. Reformation Day celebrates the day, 31st of October 1517, when a Catholic monk nailed his 95 theses to the doors of the Wittenberg Castle, in a protest against the sale of indulgences and other evils of the Roman Catholic Church, thereby beginning the Reformation. Read the 'facts' here. But who wants facts when you can have fun? For the education and edification of my ignorant Australian secular readers, I have put together a hip and modern introduction!

Luther: The Man of the Hour

A historically accurate re-actment.

The Theses Rap - yo, all my Protestant hoes and bros! let me hear you sing it!
I got 95 theses, but the pope ain't one!

Reformation Day Party Ideas. Yes, friends. These are real! The costume: Calvin and family. Because Luther is soooo yesterday. And everyone knows the REAL REFORMATION began with John Calvin. Here's some more great party ideas from Lutheranism 101.

Make a “Diet of Worms Cake” (using Gummy Worms)
A beef barbecue, also known as a Papal Bull Roast.
Play “Pin the 95 Theses on the Wittenberg Door”
Run a “Throw Indulgences in the Trash” relay
Have a special showing of the movie “Luther” at church or in your home.

I think the Papal Bull Roast might catch on in my backyard! And finally, I have some posters, sponsored by The Online Discernmentalist Mafia. These Truth War Motivators encourage all Protestants to fight the good faith!

So...I'll see you all at my Reformation Day Party! to celebrate this Protestant Fighter for Faith. And if you decline my invitation, you are an Unaustralian Pelagian and you shall never darken the door of my house again! Here I stand (sort of, leaning casually against my doorpost).

Now to my second Fighter for Faith and why it has been a difficult month for myself and my family. On Sunday morning, October 10th, my father-in-law, Colin Brown, died in a motorbike accident. He was only 53. In a single moment, JB lost his dad, our children lost their grandad, family, friends and work colleagues lost a partner and a mate.Everyone was numb with shock, and torn with grief. JB buried his father on Monday, October 18th...
Less than a week later, he wrestled 100 3 minute rounds to raise money for the parents room at the Geelong Hospital children’s ward.

On Sunday, October 24th, he wrestled for five hours and raised $2,500 in memory of his daughter Faith, and in honour of his father, Colin. To read about JB’s journey and the fundraiser, go here, here, and here. To read about our daughter, Faith, go here.

I am incredibly proud of my husband, and his Fight for Faith. If I had the talent, I would write him a rap song. If I had the power, I would proclaim a national holiday. If I had money, I would throw him a party with (bad) costumes, (lame) party games and a (tacky) giant cake. But fortunately for JB, family and friends, I lack talent, power and money. Instead, I shall humbly offer my dubious writing skills, my twisted wit and my hesistant faith for this one post, in honour of my husband who is a man of incredible determination and endurance.

The Man of the Hour with his Coach

Father and Son

The Peanut Gallery

The Peanut Gallery: Half-time Entertainment



Half-Time Break: Father and Daughter


In Action

In Action

Round 80 - Still in Action

Five hours is a long time!

Round 100


Dedicated to John Brown, his father's son and Faith's father.

Colin Walter Brown - 23/4/1957 - 10/10/2010
Faith Abigail Brown - 04/04/1998 - 17/01/2000